Specific for shop use, from small to large laboratories: the guarantee of èpiù milk quality with features and formats specifically designed for you.
We have always designed our products for professional use, we search the countryside to guarantee the quality of our milk and optimise the processing to assure great yields in a fully natural way, with a quality that remains constant over time.
Fresh milk only
The only ingredient is fresh milk, pasteurised and homogenised as soon as it is milked and packaged every day.
it is available in whole, high quality, micro-filtered and organic micro-filtered versions.
Controlled quality
Exclusively from selected Italian farms, daily subjected to checks of the entire production chain.
Formats dedicated to professional use
Latte fresco intero
Whole fresh milk formats
20 kg package
Latte fresco Alta Qualità
High Quality fresh milk formats
4 litres package
10 kg package
20 kg package
Latte Microfiltrato Intero
Whole Micro-filtered milk formats
10 kg package
Latte Microfiltrato Intero Biologico
Organic Whole Micro-filtered milk formats
10 kg package
20 kg package
Technical data sheets and certifications are available for each product.