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Epiu for animal welfare

Animal WelfareSince the end of 2018 we have certified Animal Welfare for all farms that provide our milk every day.
This certificate is issued by the National Reference Centre for Animal Welfare (CReNBA), the Italian scientific authority that guarantees the protection and respect of animals according to a strict standard, officially recognised at a national level, well beyond the current Regulations regarding the minimum space, feeding and drinking requirements.

We believe that a happy cow produces better milk

All our farmers guarantee our cows and calves a cleaner, more spacious and comfortable environment, avoiding any mistreatment, with a diet adequate to their needs rather than aimed at maximising production, a cautious use of drugs, prioritising preventing diseases rather than curing them.

Animal Welfare supply chain milk

Farms belonging to this supply chain follow a certification process, adapting to the CReNBA standard (National Reference Centre for Animal Welfare).

The points that can have the most influence on the welfare of farmed cows during their entire lifespan are analysed on the farm:

  • available space per animal,
  • hygiene and healthiness of all environments,
  • food always available and not exclusively aimed at maximising production, discouraging excessive use of concentrates,
  • quality and availability of water,
  • strict prohibition on using prods,
  • minimising diseases on animals and the consequent use of drugs by implementing practices aimed at their prevention.

A second level of certification has been issued to Padania srl, as head of the supply chain and is aimed at verifying the traceability of supply chain milk.